How to clean & disinfect your Sterling Silver Earrings?

Sterling silver earrings are necessary jewelry in clothes matching because they add a touch of sophistication to the clothes matching. However, most people usually neglect the clean these pieces of jewelry, and as a result, they are abandoned once dirt.

Then, in this post, the author will list the importance of cleaning earrings and guide you on how to clean the earrings.


Why cleaning your earrings is so important?

Cleaning your earrings not only maintains the beauty of the earrings but also prevents you from getting infected by the dirt earrings.


●Grease and dirt

If the lady's huggie earrings get improper cleaning, the cream, natural oils, other grease, and dirt accumulate on the earrings as time goes by, as a result, the earrings are covered by these materials and loss their beauty.


●Keeping the shine

Some special earrings, especially the real silver big hoop earrings, easily become a haven for tiny particles, because the unique design easily leaves the tiny particles.

If your real silver big hoop earrings get improper cleaning, the tiny particles easily cover the shine of your earrings. Furthermore, it may make an obvious difference between clean areas and unclean areas.


●Preventing bacteria and infections

As above mentioned, dirt and other things easily accumulate on your solid silver huggie earrings. It is important to remember that an earring goes into one part of your body and comes out at another. These things also easily cause bacteria. And, if you wear the earrings, these bacteria also get in touch with your body.


How often should you clean your earrings?

How often you clean your earrings depends on how often you wear them. In general, it is recommended that the cleaning should be done once a month.


How to clean dirty earrings?

Generally speaking, a simple soap cleaning is a classic method to clean your simple huggie earrings. However, cleaning some complex earrings with lots of small stones, intricate filigree, or fine milgrain may take you a while. in this section, the author will teach you how to clean these complex earrings.


●Step 1: Make the mixture

Mix the cleaning solution with lukewarm water in a container.


●Step 2: Put your earrings into the container for 5 minutes.


●Step 3: Pick out the earrings and gently scrub the earrings with a soft toothbrush.


●Step 4: Wash the earrings in clean warm water


●Step 5: Dry the earrings

Tips: As for the gemstone, you can sink the earrings into the alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to remove the dirt on the gemstone.

If your silver baguette earrings are very dirty, you can repeat the above process twice or three times.

gemstone hoop earrings silver

Gemstone Hoop Earrings Silver


How do you disinfect earrings?

In this section, three are 3 methods to disinfect your earrings. The author would illustrate how to disinfect the earrings.


Method 1: Disinfect solid silver huggie earrings with boil water

Sterilizing earrings with boiling water is a straightforward process that can help kill off bacteria and germs. Then, if you use this method to disinfect your earrings, you need to prepare the following materials:





Clean towel or paper towel

Here are the major steps:

Gather your solid silver huggie earrings: Make sure you have all the necessary items ready before you start the process.


●Step 1: Clean your hands: Before handling your earrings, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to ensure you're not introducing any additional dirt or bacteria.

●Step 2: Boil water: Fill a pot with enough water to fully submerge the earrings. Place the pot on the stove and heat the water until it reaches a rolling boil.

●Step 3: Place earrings in water: Carefully place the earrings into the boiling water. Make sure they are fully submerged.

●Step 4: Set a timer: Let the earrings boil in the water for about 5 to 10 minutes. This duration should be sufficient to kill most bacteria and germs.

●Step 5: Use tongs: If you're concerned about damaging the earrings or your hands due to the heat, you can use tongs to place the earrings in the boiling water and remove them afterward.

●Step 6: Remove earrings: After the allotted time has passed, carefully remove the earrings from the boiling water. Use tongs or a clean utensil to do this.

●Step 7: Allow to cool: Place the earrings on a clean towel or paper towel to cool down. Avoid touching them immediately, as they may still be quite hot.

●Step 8: Dry and store: Once the earrings have cooled down, gently pat them dry with a clean towel or paper towel. After drying, you can store them in a clean and dry container.

●Step 9: Inspect for damage: Before wearing the earrings, inspect them to ensure that the sterilization process did not cause any damage. Check for discoloration, changes in appearance, or any other signs of damage.


Tip: This method only works for real sterling silver hoop earrings and for earrings made from materials that can withstand high temperatures, such as metal, glass, or high-quality plastics.

dangle huggie earrings

Dangle Huggie Earrings


Method 2: Disinfect solid silver huggie earrings with alcohol

Using alcohol is the easiest and most effective way to clean your silver earrings. In this method, you need to prepare the container, rubbing alcohol (at least 70% isopropyl), and a pair of tweezers.

Here are the major steps:

●Step 1: Gather your supplies.

●Step 2: Pour alcohol into a container:

Pour a small amount of isopropyl alcohol into a clean bowl or container. Make sure the container is clean and free from any contaminants.

●Step 3: Dip a cotton ball or pad

Dip a cotton ball or pad into the isopropyl alcohol. Squeeze out any excess liquid, so the cotton is damp but not dripping.

●Step 4: Gently wipe the earrings

Hold the damp cotton ball or pad and gently wipe the surface of the silver earrings. Pay special attention to areas that come into direct contact with your skin.

●Step 5: Complete dry the earrings

pearl huggie earrings silver

Pearl Huggie Earrings Silver


Method 3: Disinfect solid silver huggie earrings with hydrogen

Using hydrogen to disinfect your earrings is a good method at home. It is easy and effective. Here are the major steps:

●Step 1: Make the hydrogen peroxide solution

It can not directly use the hydrogen peroxide solution to clean the earrings. You need to mix the 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and purified water in a bowl or cup to the proper ratio.

●Step 2: Sink the solid silver huggie earrings

Sink the solid silver huggie earrings into the mixed solution for at least 10 minutes.

●Step 3: Use sneeze to pick out the earrings

Once picking out the earrings, you need to rinse them in clean running water for a few seconds.

●Step 4: Dry the solid silver huggie earrings



All in all, cleaning your solid silver huggie earrings not only can maintain the beauty of the jewelry but also prevent you from getting infected by bacteria. Therefore, you need to pay more attention to the cleaning of the jewelry when you are wearing them.



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